We design customized energy solutions, carry out the infrastructures and provide and install the respective equipment.
"LCPOWER - Luis Carneiro, Soluções de Energia, SA" operates in the stabilized and uninterrupted Energies market, with a complete range of products, such as: UPS (Uninterrupted Power Supply), AC/DC Rectifiers Systems, Gen-Sets, DC/AC Inverters, Automatic Battery Chargers, DC/DC Converters, Voltage Stabilizers, Inverters and Solar Panels, Battery Monitors Systems and Stationary Batteries.
LCPower represents several international brands from prestigious manufacturers, synonym of high quality standards, such as GE - IMV (General Electric/Invertomatic/Victron), Delta Energy Systems, Fiamm (SPA), among others.
It also offers Global Energy Solutions, which include the equipment and the respective accomplishment of the required infrastructures to its installation and service. Information Technologies, Banks, Insuring, Industry and Hospitals are some of the several areas where the company acts.
LCPower assumes a commitment to its Customers to present solutions, supply and provide services in accordance with internationally recognized standards.
It also assumes social responsibilities both in implementing measures related to the well-being, health and safety of its employees, and in respecting and complying with rules and standards related to environmental protection.
As a consequence of these commitments, LCPower is a company certified by APCER, both in the area of ​​Quality under the reference NP EN ISO 9001:2015, and in the area of ​​Occupational Health, Safety and Hygiene under the reference OHSAS 18001:2007 / NP 4397 :2008, or in the Environmental area under the NP EN ISO 14001:2015 reference.
We seek, in this way, to increasingly reinforce our position in the market where we act, in a high manner, with respect for values ​​and ethical principles, guaranteeing to all our employees, customers and business partners the commitment to development and progress of all those who interact with us.
Zona Industrial Maia I,
Centro de Negócios da Maia, Via Carlos Mota Pinto,
Rua Albino José Domingues, 466, 4470-034 Maia, Portugal
Tel.: +351 229 984 000
e-mail: geral@lcpower.com.pt
Centro Empresarial
Elos Park II, Armazém nº 4, Estrada de São Marcos, 2735-521 Cacém, Portugal
Tel.: +351 214 267 780
e-mail: geral@lcpower.com.pt
Loja 17, Urbanização
Boa Vida, Via Expresso, Camama, Talatona,
Luanda Sul, Angola
Tel.: +244 929 211 331
e-mail: geral@afripower.co.ao
Av. Romão Fernandes Farinha, 286,
Cidade de Maputo, Moçambique
Tel.: +258 843 811 580
e-mail: geral.mz@lcpower.com

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